Donations. All donations of any nature, unless designated for a specific purpose, shall be used for such purposes as the Board of Directors may direct; and in the absence of any direction by the Board, such may be used for the general purposes of the And Rise Women, Inc.. Donations include bequests and devices of deceased persons. The Board shall take all appropriate actions to make the And Rise Women, Inc. known to the people of the community and in that connection to seek donations to the And Rise Women, Inc. from a wide segment of the population of that community. At the discretion of the Board of Directors, the And Rise Women, Inc. may raise revenues through fund-raising activities and donations. The Board of Directors has the right to refuse any donation made or offered to the And Rise Women, Inc. with or without cause in its sole discretion.
All Donations Subject to the &Rise Bylaws. Donors may make donations to or for the use of the And Rise Women, Inc. by naming or otherwise identifying the And Rise Women, Inc. in the gift transfer instrument. Each donor by making a donation to or for the use of the And Rise Women, Inc. accepts and agrees to all the terms of these Bylaws. Further, each donor specifically provides that any fund created as a result of such donation shall be subject to the provisions in these Bylaws relating to the presumption of donor’s intent, the variance from donor’s directions, for amendments and dissolution, and to all other terms of these Bylaws as amended from time to time.
Charitable Purpose of Funds. Each fund of the And Rise Women, Inc. shall be presumed to be intended, and shall be actually applied: a) to be used only for charitable purposes; b) to be productive of a reasonable return of net income which is to be distributed at least annually or if accumulated is to be accumulated only in a reasonable amount and for a reasonable period for charitable purposes; and c) to be used only for such of those purposes and such manner as not to disqualify the donation from deduction as a charitable contribution, gift or bequest in computing any federal income, gift or estate tax of the donor or his estate and not to disqualify the And Rise Women, Inc. from exemption under ‘501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Designation of Use of Donations. Any donor may, with respect to a donation made by them to or for the use of the And Rise Women, Inc., give directions at the time of the donation in accordance with the following: a) The donor may specify the geographical limits for use of the donation, including use in or for areas within or outside the community in which the And Rise Women, Inc. is located. b) The donor may, but only with respect to donations of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) or more, designate the: 1) field of charitable purposes or particular charitable organizations or purposes to be supported; 2) manner of distribution including amounts, times and conditions of payments and whether from principal or income; 3) a name as a memorial or otherwise for a fund given, or addition to a fund previously held, or anonymity for the donation; and 4) reasonable limits on or additions to the investment or administrative powers of the And Rise Women, Inc.. c) All such directions or designations by donors shall be followed except as otherwise provided in this Article.
Segregation of Funds. No donation shall be required to be separately invested or held unless the donor so directs, or it is necessary in order to follow any other direction by the donor as to purpose, investment, or administration, or in order to prevent tax disqualification, or is required by law. However, the Board may segregate any fund whenever convenient or useful as determined by the Board in its sole discretion. Directions for naming a fund as a memorial or otherwise may be satisfied by keeping under such name internal bookkeeping accounts reflecting appropriately the interest of such a fund in each common investment.
Improper Donor Directions. If any direction by the donor, however expressed, would, if followed, result in the use of any donation or fund contrary to the charitable purposes of the And Rise Women, Inc., or if the Board is advised by counsel that there is a substantial risk of such result, the direction shall not be followed, but shall be varied by the Board so far as necessary to avoid such result, except that if a donor has clearly stated that compliance with the direction is a condition of such donation, then the donation shall not be accepted in case of such advice unless an appropriate judicial or administrative body first determines that the condition and direction need not be followed. Reasonable charges and expenses of counsel for such advice and proceedings shall be proper expenses of administration.
Changed Circumstances. Whenever the Board of Directors decides that conditions or circumstances are such or have so changed since a direction by the donor as to purpose, or as to manner of distribution or use, that literal compliance with the direction is unnecessary, undesirable, impractical or impossible, or the direction is not consistent with the And Rise Women, Inc.’s charitable purposes, it may, by affirmative vote of two-thirds (b) of the directors, order such variance from the direction and such application of the whole or any part of the principal or income of the fund to other charitable purposes, as in its judgment will then more effectively serve such needs. Similarly, whenever the Board decides that a donor’s directions as to investment or administration have because of changed circumstances or conditions or experience proved impractical or unreasonably onerous, and impedes effectual serving of such needs, the Board may likewise order a variance from such directions to the extent in its judgment is necessary.
Charitable Trusts. If a donation is made to the And Rise Women, Inc. by means of any charitable trust or charitable trust instrument, the payments to or for the use of the And Rise Women, Inc. shall be regarded as And Rise Women, Inc. funds only when the And Rise Women, Inc. becomes entitled to their use, but the Board may take such actions as it from time to time deems necessary to protect the And Rise Women, Inc.’s rights to receive such payments.
Waiver or Reduction of Fees. This corporation is organized exclusively for charitable, civic, and educational purposes under Illinois law, and shall strive to make its charitable services and programs available to its intended beneficiaries without undue obstacles to access. It shall be a general policy that any fee or charges associated with charitable services and programs shall be waived or reduced in accordance with each recipient’s ability to pay and the CORPORATION’s ability to subsidize such fees or charges. More specifically, the program fee schedule (if any) shall be set in accordance with 35 ILCS 200/15-65(c) of Illinois Compiled Statutes.