What To Expect at Our Support Groups for Women Trauma Survivors

By Kelsey Hoff

Women sitting in a circle at a support group

Image credit: Nadija Pavlovic

&Rise support groups are geared toward women and girls who have experienced trauma or abuse. They’re a safe space where you can talk about things your friends or family may not understand. Over the years, we’ve fostered a culture of acceptance, healing and empowerment for women from all walks of life. One thing you can always count on is that you’ll meet other women who are prepared to make authentic connections and have deep, growth-oriented conversations.

Our groups and counseling services are a lifeline for women who may feel isolated and those who may not have access to mental health treatment. We believe in the importance of community during the healing process because we’ve heard so many women express relief when they find out they’re not alone in their experiences. Most of our board members are trauma survivors themselves, and many of us found the organization in a moment of need.

In this blog post, I’ll share some things you can expect at our support groups for women trauma survivors.

Honest Talk About the Ongoing Effects of Trauma

The first thing you’ll notice in our support groups is that women feel safe showing up just as they are. You’ll hear people share unfiltered takes on what they’re going through and what’s on their minds. The act of speaking your truth in a group of other women who understand is therapeutic on its own. Sometimes people will ask for feedback or other group members might offer helpful insights. There’s much to be learned just from showing up and listening. 

There are overarching themes to some of our support groups, so you may know that other people in the room have dealt with things like narcissistic abuse or sexual assault. We also have a group focused on setting healthy boundaries. Most of the conversation is focused on the impact of trauma on everyday life and relationships. Since we are talking about trauma, there is always some risk that you might feel triggered by another person’s story. If this should happen, our facilitators are there to help you get through those moments. Participants are generally courteous about checking with the group before diving into a story that might be upsetting. 

Empathetic Listening With No Judgment

If you choose to share, you can expect the group to listen without judging you. The facilitator may say a few words to reflect what you’ve said so you know you’re being heard. Or they might ask some follow-up questions. You get to decide how much you want to share and what kind of feedback you’re open to receiving. If you don’t want to talk at all, or if you just want people to listen without responding, that’s OK too.

Encouraging Feedback

Our support groups are a great place to find encouragement and get insightful feedback on situations you’re facing. There’s a good chance that someone in the room has been through something similar, so they can speak from personal experience. It can also be helpful to hear from people who have different perspectives. 

Therapy and counseling play important roles in trauma healing. However, a therapist is one person with one perspective. Our support groups bring together diverse women with different identities and life experiences. We have participants that come from different age groups, ethnicities and socioeconomic backgrounds. &Rise support groups provide a unique opportunity to have engaging and rich conversations with people who are different from you. Women are our main focus, but we also welcome nonbinary people. Our facilitators have undergone sensitivity training so we can make people of different genders and orientations feel included.

Professional Group Facilitation

Most of our support group facilitators are licensed therapists, counselors, or social workers. Our founder Jennifer Solarte leads some groups as well — she has undergone extensive training and certification in working with survivors of domestic and sexual abuse. She also has certifications in EFT tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) and Somatic Experiencing.

Our facilitators take an approach that’s informal yet focused on accommodating everyone’s needs to share in a way that’s fair to the whole group. We typically give participants about five minutes to share and listen to feedback. The facilitator may take a few minutes in the beginning to gauge how many people want to share and who has a high level of need. They may give some gentle reminders throughout the session to keep everyone mindful of the time. While sharing is an important part of the process, many people find that being present and listening are just as valuable. 

Find the &Rise Support Group That’s Right for You

Are you looking for a place where you can talk openly about what you’re going through — without feeling judged or criticized? A place where you bring your whole, unfiltered self and meet other women who get you? We’ve got a seat for you in our weekly support groups. Many of them meet virtually, and some are in person. We even have a group for teens.

If you’re feeling anxious, there’s no pressure to participate — you’re welcome to show up and just listen. We hope to see you soon!

Stay in the loop by subscribing to our newsletter. You can expect news about our support groups, notifications for upcoming events, and a weekly dose of empowerment. 


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