Anonymous Texting App

Empowered Conversation’s mission is to promote effective, authentic, and empathetic conversations between survivors of sexual assault and their family members and friends. Our survivor-activated tool educates and prepares confidants before the conversation takes place.


The stigma of sexual assault is highly pervasive and leads to only 50% of survivors ever disclosing their assault. Our approach to creating a healthy environment for a survivor to disclose consists of a survivor-activated chat tool that provides training videos and educational modules for a family member, friend, or confidant. We believe that these tools will allow loved ones the chance to process their emotions before speaking with the survivor. When a survivor is assured that their family and friends have a better understanding of sexual assault and know the best practices for how to provide support, it allows the survivor to feel more empowered in the conversation.

To download the app or to learn more, please click the button below


About Domestic Abuse


Narcisisstic Abuse